Thursday, June 24, 2010

Extra Extra Read All About It...

Well, my mom spoke to my neurologist today and got some questions answered that were bothering her since last week. Keep in mind my mom is a pediatric registered nurse so she knows the medical language. She wasn't happy after last weeks visit because she felt she didn't get any clear answers from my doctor. Today she did. Today, my mom is HAPPY.

My doctor feels that I am having absence seizures. I had one when falling alseep and then had 1 approximately every 4 hours that lasted 5 seconds while I had my 24 hour eeg done. My initial diagnosis a few years ago was focal seizures (right frontal lobe) with complex partial and secondary generalized . During the eeg my parents did not see me have any type of seizure at all, including an absence seizure.

You can see why my mom was puzzled. To be fair, so was my neurologist.

I guess my mom has been watching me this week, I didn't notice. She thought she saw a few questionable episodes and she told my dad about them. Today she told my doctor who agreed that what my mom saw this week was most definitely me having an absence seizure.

This is what my mom saw: I was eating- putting food in my mouth and chewing. Then I stopped all movement including chewing for a very quick 4 or 5 seconds, then resumed chewing. At first my mom wasn't sure that this was actually a seizure. But I did it 2 more times during the week that she noticed.

My mom said that it's hard to see me having an absence seizure, even when someone is looking for it. And that she figured the best way to see one would be to watch me while I was doing something repetitive, to see if I stopped for a brief moment and then resumed.

My Lamictal is still be increased and hopefully that will work at controlling all the seizures. If it doesn't, I will have to change medicines.

My parents are being optimistic that things will work out. That's good enough for me.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

I would like to wish my dad (and all the dads out there) a Happy Father's Day. My dad is awesome and I love him very much. We are going to the pool today and we are staying through raft night. I LOVE raft night. I haven't been to the pool in over two weeks due to tests and being sick. I am looking forward to a day with my mom and dad.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lightning "hits" to raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation

2010 Mtown Lightning U14 Fastpitch Team
coaches: Coach Dennis, Coach Pete, and Coach Ken (my DAD!)
My softball team raised over $100.00 for the Epilepsy Foundation!
They participated in my second annual
"hitting for a cure".
THANK YOU to ALL who participated.
You have helped make a difference for someone
affected by epilepsy.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

We mailed out more letters today. I think this brings our total up to approximately 100 letters sent out to area businesses. That's a lot of envelope licking. :X

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

To All Kids

Hey guys, if you like playing sports and like helping others why not join my cauze. Become a board member (seriously) and start getting your team involved to raise money for epilepsy research. I have tons of ideas for any sport. Step up and GET IN THE GAME!

Monday, June 7, 2010


First, let me state that I'm not sharing this story with you so you feel sorry for me. I'm sharing because I think it's actually kinda funny. 2008 is a year that I wish I had a "do over". Not so much because that's the year I had my first seizure and was diagnosed with epilepsy, but because everything that could happen DID happen.

My dad started it off in the spring when he had to have surgery to remove his gallbladder. He then decided that one surgery wasn't enough for him and in July had to have surgery on his arm because he tore his tendon in his arm when he was lifting weights. My mom told me I get my "moxy" from him, because he was back out coaching my tournament team ONE day after his surgery. Keep in mind he had a full arm cast on, was in a ton of pain, and it was 90 degrees outside.

I guess my mom was feeling left out because in October she also had to have her gallbladder removed. She was back out watching my game two days later. :)

We also had to have our 12 year old border collie put to sleep in October. :(

Then there's me- had my first tonic clonic seizure in December and was diagnosed with E a few days later.

You have to admit, it IS kind of funny with everything we went through that year. We try to keep a sense of humor about things like this, otherwise it would be way to easy to feel sorry for ourselves.