Well, my mom spoke to my neurologist today and got some questions answered that were bothering her since last week. Keep in mind my mom is a pediatric registered nurse so she knows the medical language. She wasn't happy after last weeks visit because she felt she didn't get any clear answers from my doctor. Today she did. Today, my mom is HAPPY.
My doctor feels that I am having absence seizures. I had one when falling alseep and then had 1 approximately every 4 hours that lasted 5 seconds while I had my 24 hour eeg done. My initial diagnosis a few years ago was focal seizures (right frontal lobe) with complex partial and secondary generalized . During the eeg my parents did not see me have any type of seizure at all, including an absence seizure.
You can see why my mom was puzzled. To be fair, so was my neurologist.
I guess my mom has been watching me this week, I didn't notice. She thought she saw a few questionable episodes and she told my dad about them. Today she told my doctor who agreed that what my mom saw this week was most definitely me having an absence seizure.
This is what my mom saw: I was eating- putting food in my mouth and chewing. Then I stopped all movement including chewing for a very quick 4 or 5 seconds, then resumed chewing. At first my mom wasn't sure that this was actually a seizure. But I did it 2 more times during the week that she noticed.
My mom said that it's hard to see me having an absence seizure, even when someone is looking for it. And that she figured the best way to see one would be to watch me while I was doing something repetitive, to see if I stopped for a brief moment and then resumed.
My Lamictal is still be increased and hopefully that will work at controlling all the seizures. If it doesn't, I will have to change medicines.
My parents are being optimistic that things will work out. That's good enough for me.
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