Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Candid Talk With Kait

QUESTION:  "I know you are home schooled now, have you ever gone to public school? Are you home schooled because of your Epilepsy?"

KAITLIN:  I have been homeschooled since the second half of kindergarten.  I just wanted to be like my big brother who was in 7th grade at the time he asked to be homeschooled.  Yes, I tried public school in 4th grade for 3 months and HATED it.  I enjoy the freedom of home schooling.  And of course, sleeping in every day has its benefits:)  I was diagnosed with epilepsy a little over 2 years ago. So no, I am not home schooled because of my epilepsy.  My mom always gives me the choice each year of continuing with home schooling or going to public school and each year my decision is always the same: HOME SCHOOL. :)

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