Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thank You

As my pig roast draws closer (two days away) I want to take a few minutes to say thank you to those who have helped me organize this...

Dad and Mom- You worked hard organizing this event and helping me with ideas. Thank you for all the work you have put into this. A kid can't ask for better parents. You stand behind me, no matter what. I love you both so much.

Aunt Jen- Thank you for keeping track of the sponsors and contributions as they came in. Thank you also for the time you will invest tomorrow helping my mom bake a million cupcakes and brownies. (for those who know my mom and her ability to cook- they thank you as well) :)

Aunt Lisa and Tony- Thank you for volunteering to cook all the food. It's probably a safer bet that nobody will get food poisoning now. :) I know you have alleviated my mom's stress by handling all of this for her. Tony- thank you for letting us use your catering equipment!!!!!

Aaron- A HUGE thanks to you. Without you, there'd be no pig. Thank you for your willingness to stay up all night to roast the pig. You rock.

Thank you to the Ebersole's and Houseman's for letting us use your coolers to keep the food cold!

I hope to see a lot of people come to my first annual purple pig roast!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kait--

    It was our pleasure to do the cooking. And a lot of fun. Hope to do it again - next year. :)

    Love you!!
    Aunt Lisa
