Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hello to Rick Harrison:)

Cool news today; my mom's friend is in Vegas and plans on taking a trip to a Pawn store.  I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about, they do a tv show called Pawn Stars.  I personally don't watch the show, but my dad is a big fan. (I'm more into the paranormal tv shows:)

Anyway, my mom asked her friend, that if she has the opportunity and gets to meet Rick Harrison, to send him my way; to Kaitlin's Cauze blog.

Mr. Harrison grew up having epilepsy and he was featured in the last edition of Epilepsy Advocate. 

I am hoping Mr. Harrison will visit Kaitlin's Cauze on the web and take a few seconds to sign my guestbook.

Mr. Harrison, thank you for being an advocate.


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