Friday, July 30, 2010

Catching up with Summer

My life has been crazy busy, probably since softball season started in the spring. Although softball and school ended almost around the same time, it seems I have been too busy to really enjoy my summer.

In June I had an eeg done and then ended up being sick for most of the month. In July I was busy with Kaitlin's Cauze. Now it's almost August and I'm scratching my head wondering where summer got to?!

My parents did try to throw some fun trips in the middle of the chaos but it's hard to really enjoy something when you know you are jumping back in chaos the next day. And I realized that I don't really LIKE the beach.

This week has been AWESOME! I had absolutely NOTHING going on except my weekly drum lesson. I have done absolutely NOTHING this week except enjoy the things I haven't had time for. I plan on continuing this trend for at least another 2 weeks, until softball starts. Even then I can still squeeze in some fun things, until pitching lessons start. After that I suspect it's all a downhill slide back into TOTAL CHAOS with school, art class, agility training with Echo, and keyboard lessons all starting around the same time. (In addition to my drum lessons) AND continuing my work with Kaitlin's Cauze.

But that's ok, because I've counted the days. I have exactly 27 days to catch up with summer. And I plan on enjoying every single second starting with today's trip to Hershey Park's Boardwalk (and maybe a few rides on Storm Runner or Fareheit). :)

1 comment:

  1. there is a pair that could beat a full house any day!!!
